Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 2 in DC

I got up and took the metro to see some of the Cherry Blossom Festivities. As I got closer to the action, I walked past one of the billions of Capital Bike Share stations. There were a group of 20-somethings who saw me trying to make up my mind and sold me on the bikes. So I rented one and off I went.

Such a good idea! I could get around much faster, and the cool breeze felt amazing in the sticky heat. I zipped all around the National Mall, taking awesome pictures of the cherry blossoms and the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.

After that, I zipped on over and took some pictures outside of the White House. And caught a few photos of someone's motorcade leaving.

The flowers and cherry blossoms and everything just made the scene that much more special. I had a bit of time to kill before meeting a friend for lunch. I meant to head to a museum, but realized I didn't have enough time, so I ditched the bike and had a leisurely stroll. I encountered a gigantic police horse. I don't know if you get a sense of the scale in this picture but this was a big ass horse. I used to ride, but this horse was reallyyyyyy tall.

I have no idea where this park was and I'll probably never be able to find it again, but it was beautiful. I stopped to take a few pictures, updated FaceBook and then just sat and enjoyed.

After a bit of soaking in the sights, I caught the metro and headed south. When I was pregnant with my kiddo, I joined an online group of other expectant moms. Eventually the crowd thinned out and about 90 of us are left. I've been in near constant contact with these ladies for about 4 years. One of them, April, lives just outside DC so we met up for a long, boozy, girl-talk filled lunch. It was just what I needed.

For dinner that night, I went to a bar not far from my temporary home. I sat at the bar and had a shitty sandwich and a drink. A guy, Mike, sat next to me and tried to chat me up. I was polite and happy for a bit of conversation but really didn't want to give him the idea that I was interested.

Down at the end of the bar was a group of 5 friends, mostly dudes. One of them had his phone connected to the speakers in the bar and was controlling the music. They all took turns picking songs and then asked me to pick one too. Before I knew it, I was having a dance-off with one of the guys, and accepting free drinks from them left and right. They were downing shots and I ended up having 3 rounds of shots with them. I was a much quicker drinker and I kept winning and they kept challenging me. Mike, got in on this too and started buying me drinks, telling me he worked at the bar next door and that I should come by and see him tomorrow. No thanks bud.

The girls from the group of friends vouched for one guy, Chadwick (I shit you not, that was his name, I saw his ID. So fucking WASP-y) so I accepted his offer to walk me home. Got home without incident and thanked CHadwick for his company. Then climbed into bed because I was Drunk. So very Drunk.

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