I told John that Jack and I were talking things out and sort of getting back together. This made John moody and teary. I dodged his phone calls. He later told me he was calling to talk about us. Another day, John called because he was cleaning out a desk drawer and found a stash of letters and cards I'd written to him and it made him emotional.
Its callous but, I DO NOT CARE. I bet they did make him emotional. I used to love him fiercely. I used to write him heartfelt messages. I used to want to be a good wife to him. But I'm so very very done with that.
The next day, John texted me to ask for a copy of Kiddo's insurance card. Fine, I can do that. But then John launched into a long story about losing his wallet, blah blah blah blah blah.
I don't care, man. You are not my problem. That sucks, sure. But John has been dangling his new, highly paid job in front of my face. So excuse me if I don't feel any emotion at all that he has to cancel his cards and get a new driver's license. Throw money at your problem since you have so much of it.
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