Thursday, August 27, 2015


Last weekend Jack went to LA to discuss a business idea with a friend of his. Then he went to a comedy show and hung out with a bunch of comics. Legitimately famous ones that you've seen on TV.

Jack and I were having dinner at my house last night. I cooked, shocking I know. But over dinner I asked him to tell me about the trip. And he did and had a whole story about all the comedians he interacted with. When he finished, he asked me what bedtime stories I read to the kid that night.
I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it, but I felt like a loser.

He's out having an amazing time, and I'm just a mom with a non-descript job, living a fairly ordinary life. Its exactly how I felt when I was seeing Jay. They've had all these adventures that make for jealousy-inducing anecdotes. And then there's me. Blah.

I'm an insecure person already, but this stuff sucks. I'm smart, but I can always read and learn more. I'm pretty, but with the right outfit and make up, I can be hot. I can travel and have friends and laugh and love every silly, crazy, aggravating, loving moment of being a mom, all the things that make my life feel full, but I'll never be on that level. I'm not going to rub elbows with celebrities. I highly doubt I'm going to start a business or write anything of note. This blog sure as shit doesn't count.

So why is he with me? What can I hope to offer that he couldn't find elsewhere?

Jack has all these business plans and big ideas and apps he's developing and projects and projects and projects. So my worry is two-fold: 1) Will he have any time for a relationship with me? And even if he does, I'll feel guilty for taking his focus off something more important.
2) all of that hustle and bustle isn't me. I like my life pared down a bit. Work, home, kid(s?), friends, the occasional movie/show/vacation. Does he want that? Even if he says he wants it, will he give it a try and then be bored?

These are the worries kicking around in my head.

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