Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My 3rd Annual 27th Birthday

I like other people's birthday's just fine. I'll get you a card and/or a present. I'll post a meme to your Facebook page. I'll make you the dessert of your choosing. I'll sing happy birthday to you, take shots, whatever will make it a fun birthday for you.

I don't like my birthday. I've had some majorly bad things happen on my birthday in years past. For example, I spent my 13th birthday sitting by my mom's hospital bed in the ICU wondering if she'd ever be the same. Let's please ignore mine. I don't like being the focus of attention. I'm not excited about getting older.

Jack wouldn't accept this as an answer. This year, my birthday fell on a Monday, so the Saturday before we celebrated my birthday. He made me a card, drew the art on the front, circled it with Taylor Swift lyrics, and wrote a short but sweet message inside. This man gave me a microphone signed by Taylor Swift. Its amazing and generous and thoughtful and something I would never expect. I'm going to get a shadow box to display it and basically make a shrine in my house.

Jack spent all of Saturday with me. We watched a TV show that we are both obsessive about figuring out and discussing. We went to a little local festival and ate yummy food and did some hilarious "people watching." That night, he took me to dinner. It was a great day.

Monday, my actual birthday, rolled around and I didn't expect anything. Jack had spoiled me all weekend, he'd more that fulfilled the duties of a good boyfriend. But, he had flowers delivered to me at work. After work, he showed up on my doorstep with a half dozen cupcakes.

I'm so spoiled and lucky.
And now I have two months to figure out how to reciprocate for his birthday.

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