Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mr. Johnson Is Late To Work

I had a bad run of luck. 3 different men in a row who were unable to maintain an erection. Two blamed it on prescription medication, one said my condoms made him so numb he couldn't feel anything.

Either way.

This is such a frustrating situation. Of the 3, only 1 bothered to "give me a hand." The other two apparently decided that since they wouldn't have a good time, no one would. Which is super fucking frustrating and made me want to get dressed and leave. I've never encountered erectile dysfunction before. And the first few times, I was chill about it. I wouldn't ever make fun of a guy for that, and pouting or acting disappointed doesn't help the situation. But truthfully, I makes me feel inadequate. Mostly because it keeps happening. With different guys.

I'm reasonably attractive. Let's just stipulate to that. No one is going to look at me and recoil in horror, but I also won't be walking the runway for Chanel in this lifetime. But I'm decent looking, and when I am on my game (or had a few drinks) I can be seductive as fuck. But when no one can keep it up, a girl starts to worry.

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